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Sea Turtle Monitoring
With the active participation of local communities and national authorities and with the support of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Lisbon Oceanarium, and other financial and technical partners.
Programa Tatô develops:
- Monitoring and protection actions on the main nesting beaches (25km – 33 beaches) during the nesting season (from September to April), on the beaches with a great nesting density, to collect biometric and behavioral data of females of the different species nesting on the island;
- Nest protection and monitoring;
- Weekly census on the beaches with less nesting density;
- In-water monitoring on the main foraging grounds, through apnea, to capture and collect data on the habitat and biometry and behavior of sea turtles that use these areas to forage (juveniles, sub-adults, and adults).
km of beach monitored annually
nests recorded since 2012
hatchlings released since 2012