29 de set. de 20212 minFormação das equipas do terreno | Field teams trainingThe nesting season started in São Tomé island and September was dedicated to the training of the field teams.
27 de jul. de 20212 minNova temporada de desova | One more nesting seasonAnother nesting season just started for the sea turtles of São Tomé. We choose the south to spread the message of sea turtle nest protection
7 de dez. de 20202 minPrograma Tatô vence Tusk Conservation AwardsPrince William Award for Conservation in Africa (english below) No passado dia 3 de Dezembro, ocorreu a cerimónia virtual de entrega de...
25 de nov. de 20202 minPrograma Tatô nomeado para o Tusk Conservation Award 2020We are very proud to announce that Hipólito Lima was one of the nominees for the Tusk Conservation Awards 2020.
14 de out. de 20201 minUm novo aliado para as tartarugas marinhas de São Tomé | New ally for the sea turtles from São ToméThe theoretical and practical training “Sea Turtle Protection and Conservation in STP” in partnership with the Coastal Guard just started.
28 de set. de 20201 minPreparados para o terreno! | Ready for the field!Training of 54 local monitoring agents in sea turtle monitoring and conservation techniques for one more nesting season in São Tomé island.
7 de set. de 20201 minNovos produtos disponíveis na loja online | New products available at online shopNew products available at our online shop!
1 de set. de 20202 minReforçando a sensibilização nas comunidades | Reinforcing the awareness in the communitiesWith the nesting season almost officially starting in the archipelago, it is necessary to reinforce the awareness in the communities.